Episode 7 of my irregular photo journal - Pointless

Ever since I woke up this morning I was glued to a screen. I read the tweets on my phone, I watched the news on my tv, I kept Twitter and other sources of anything new open on my laptop at work. It’s absolutely surreal. This is going to be a short post. I don’t have anything to say. There isn’t anything else to be said except stating the obvious.
This situation never had to happen. This war has no rational reason to exist. This invasion is utterly pointless... Not a single life deserves to be extinguished for this one man’s road to yet another useless ego boost.
Rational people know this. Compassionate humans know this.
I live fairly far from what’s been happening since this morning. My family is safe. But millions of others aren’t. For what? I fail to see even an ounce of a decent reason for this worthless conflict.
And I am not alone in this. The world is with me on this one. With us. Prague’s Wenceslas Square has filled up with like-minded people calling for an end to the fighting. Here are some images I took tonight. Stay safe and hug your loved ones extra tight when you get the chance.