Weddings / Svatby
Jsem svatební fotograf zaměřen na zachycení pravých momentů, nefalšovaných emocí a celkové atmosféry Vašeho velkého dne. Nefotím s bleskem, necvakám hlasitým přístrojem, nepřerušuji dění. Se svým malým fotoaparátem se často ztratím mezi hosty a to mi umožňuje zachytit opravdové chvilky spíše než pózované pohlednice. Jedná se o druh focení nazýván například svatební fotožurnalistika a moc hezky se mi osvědčil při fotografování svateb například v Londýně a na krásném jihoanglickém venkově. Novomanželé mi totiž poté často děkují, že jsem jim svou fotografií umožnil si na pro ně velmi hektický den vzpomenout mnohem lépe.
I’m a wedding photographer aimed towards capturing the real moments, raw emotions and the overall atmosphere of your big day. I don’t use flash, I don’t disturb the ceremony with a loud camera, I don’t stop the events from happening. I usually just disappear into the crowd of guests and thanks to my small camera photograph the real candid moments rather than the posed postcards. This type of photography is called wedding photojournalism and it has definitely paid off. The newlywed couples often thank me for enabling them to remember the, for them, very hectic day much better.

Reference / Testimonials
"Our wedding was captured beautifully by Ondrej. We couldn’t have asked for a better photographer. The photos are spontaneous and creative. Sharp and striking. Some with humour, some with austerity, and they are all “in the moment”.
We were two brides, so as you can imagine, we were both nervous and had very different demands. Our families being different too, fussing in different ways, but Ondrej was patient, reassuring and professional. He captured our friends and families with all their characteristics perfectly.
We loved that there was no waiting around for posed pictures, knowing that Ondrej would photograph it all organically. This was important to both of us because we wanted to enjoy the natural flow of the day. We had a large group (120) and we could have spent all day organising people into photo groups otherwise!
I feel like I saw Ondrej only at the beginning and end because he was almost invisible, but when we got the photos back he was there for every special moment and more.
Absolutely fabulous outcome, we’re very happy, thank you!"
— Sophie & Ellis
"From the initial meeting with Ondrej we had a good sense that he really understood and listened to our wishes. Ondrej’s photography has a strong journalistic style of it’s own which we attracted to rather than go for a generic wedding style which we felt can be very formal and impersonal.
Some of his black and white shots are among the very favourite images we have of our friends and family, and the colour images beautifully show off the surrounding landscape.
Everyone was impressed by his dedication throughout the day and how subtle his approach was to the point of almost being invisible! The results really captured all the emotions and events of the day and our album that he kindly prepared for us has become very precious to us.
It was a pleasure to work with Ondrej and we wish him well for the future."
— Alex & Chloe